
The Advantages of Aluminium Windows & Doors

If you have ever struggled to open or close a window that sticks, or if you have a door that is warped and doesn’t fit properly into the doorway, you will be interested in aluminium windows and doors. Toughened glass with an aluminium frame is never going to warp or twist like timber does. Timber absorbs moisture, then dries out during hot, dry weather and this process is what makes it warp and twist. So timber frames around doors or windows will not give the same durability as aluminium. Here are some more advantages of aluminium doors and windows.

Glass in the Home

9 Ways to Use Glass in the Home

Older homes were built with a minimum amount of glass; small windows and a tiny glass panel in the front or back door and that was about it. If you get the correct building advice, you will find that toughened glass has become an increasingly popular building material. Whether you are building a new home or renovating an old one, glass can really make your home pop. Here are 9 ways to make more use of glass in the home.

  1. Glass shower screens allow natural light into the shower stall and enhance the size of the bathroom. No shadows are created by glass walls so even in the night time, your bathroom will look lighter and brighter.
  2. Many modern homes have glass walls that let in natural light and sunlight during the winter months to save on the cost of heating. With wider eaves to keep the summer sun out, these walls can let in the view as well as warmth and enhance your lifestyle.