Sloping Block

Making the Most of a Sloping Block

Whether you intend to build a new home or hire some heavy equipment such as an excavator and do some serious renovations to your present home, land excavations may be needed if your block is not dead level – and very few are. Sloping blocks are often cheaper than flat blocks because of the perceived cost of building on them. Those extra excavations needed tend to put the building price up. So if you thought to save money with that cheaper, sloping block it may not quite work out that way. Much depends on just how steep it is and what your house design is going to be.

There are two basic choices when building on a sloping block.

Full Property Renovation

How to Get the Right Equipment for Full Property Renovation

If you are rolling up your sleeves ready to get stuck into that property renovation you may want to stop for a moment and consider what equipment hire you will need. Property renovation requires more than a few handyman tools, which are usually not strong enough to do more than light jobs.  It needs commercial tools that work better, are sharper and larger with bigger motors that will not wear out before the job is done.

However, to purchase all the tools and equipment you need will probably not be cost effective, at least, not unless you have a handyman business, and maybe not even then. It depends on what type of projects you do. Often there is the need for a small excavator or ditch digger to take care of foundations or plumbing. It can be far more cost effective to hire these things than to purchase them outright, especially if you will only need them for one or two projects.